tough week
this week has proven to be tough for me at work, similar to the night where i went to watch the play. need to think about certain things right now and to make some decision in my life.
i've hurt my friend's feelings again this week. twice in a roll. how cruel can i be? yet how can i remember everything? sometimes i wonder if i am to take this blame, yet, i do play a part in this and thus, i will bear the blame still.
don't know what to say, don't know how to apologise, don't know what to do..
sigh, God, thank U still that I can rejoice even though things are tough, coz I know U are with me still. Do pull me through this trying times I plead...
1 comment:
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
(1 Peter 5:7)
And I, too, care! Hugs~
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