Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Start of a new YEAR

The start of the new year was amazing! I spent it with an Aussie and two Singaporean, all whom are close to me and we've done amazingly well catching up with each other. I had such a great time and though the holiday is short, I've done a lot of things too.

I managed to get some lovely clothes for a wedding that I have to attend on 1st itself. I didn't really set out to shop but hey, it was worth it buying the clothes. It will do for future weddings as well as dinners :) Now it's just a matter of getting shoes and bag for meself. Thank God I don't have to dress formal to work, so it's cool :)

Went to become chi mui at my friend's wedding, Ooi and Yen Fen. IT was GREAT! We tortured the heng tai and the bridgeroom as well.. hahaa... but they were really good sport and it was really really cool :) When we were up 2nd floor, just before Ooi gets Yen Fen, we made him sing Unchained Melody (revised version) and it was sooo hilarious and sooo cute! The couple were soo sweet together and I'm so glad to be a part of this joyous occasion. I really to thank God for such union and that May GOd continue to bless them abundantly :)

Although I didn't manage to rest much but I am thankful for the catching up with friends. Will put up some photos later on to share with ya all :)

Bettter head to sleep now, since it's late and it's time to go back to work tomorrow :( Do hope traffic is not massively crazy....


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trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation