Sunday, March 25, 2007

Erratic Week

What an erratic week last week. There's just so many minor things that arises all throughout, literally keeping me on my toes! I am thankful that it's over now... don't really want to dwell in it. Hopefully things won't be like this crazy again for this coming week. Don't think I can take it if it does happen.

Went out with some new friends yday.. we went to this eatery called Marmalade in Bangsar Village 2. It's such a cosy place! Totally reminds me of Geri's room in Gippyland with the numerous bean bags around. I totally plunked myself on one and couldn't get up! hahah... so fun and funny at the same time.... with the next one, a friend offer to pull me up, but decided not to take up his offer, lest i pull him down instead....

Here's some of the pictures of the food we ate there... yummylicious!!

Here's the group pictures :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woah...nice food photos....I want to EAT!!

trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation