Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday Morning

It's Monday morning and I'm all alone in the office. Am not even sure if anyone is coming in later. But it's also a good thing that I'm all alone. I like being alone at times because you get to settle down and think about things.

Things have been hectic the past week, trying to juggle handling customers as well as trying to get things done for my boss. But praise God most of it is already settled. Next week will be another whirlwind for me I guess, with heaps of groups happening and rushing things again. Yeap, the timeline for this job can sometimes be quite tough. But I guess as one learns when to be focused and when to juggle things, one gets more familiar with it. Will learn in time.

Slow and steady win the race eh, be it in the rat race or even in our race towards to finish line.

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trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation