Thursday, March 08, 2007

Praise God

I really want to praise God for today. I woke up with a prayer to God, praying and asking Him to bless me this day (after a while since I've last prayed such a prayer, i mean pray in the morning). Little did I know He has a surprise for me!

My boss came in early as we have a few groups on for the day. He told me that I am to sit down with him to discuss on a brief that I've prepared and he also passed me something to read and go through. So I did what I needed to do and waited for him to settle his before we do our discussion.

The minute we sat down, he told me he's not going to be next week and started to review me there and then. The ill-prepared me just sat there listening like a blur girl.. wondering what triggered this conversation. Okay, a little brief info for those who don't know. I have started this job back on December 15, 2006 and is (should I use was?) on a 3 months probation. When I took this job, the pay cut was huge and I thought I wouldn't survive it (that's another blessing story altogether). So I made a pact with my boss that we are to review my salary package earlier if possible to at least the amount of my previous salary. I never pursue it as I was literally bumming around in the office for the first two months, with nothing to do...

Tada, God's surprise and blessing to me is that He blessed me with an almost 40% pay rise! Truly, it was unexpected and brought so much joy to me. God has truly blessed me for the past 3 months and taught me heaps re my job, that money is not everything. He's shown me that we can still survive with less money, so long as we continue to walk with God daily.

Maybe some of us are actually going through some financial matters right now, the best thing to do is really to commit the matter to God and tell Him what is happening and all. I am sure God hears your prayers and petition and will, in His own timing, seek to reveal more of Himself even as He help you out in life.

Father, truly, I thank You for such blessings that you've poured into my life for the past few months. I know, certain things I really don't think I'm even worth receiving it, yet You still give and pour out to me in abundance. I truly am speechless by Your grace and Your love that You've shown to me. I pray that You too will help those around me who are in dire need financially. I pray that You will bless them as You've done for me. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name, AMEN

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trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation