Friday, April 06, 2007

Captivated by God

Went home late last night... had a hang out session with two friends... not wanting to sleep yet, I decided to read a few pages of the book "Captivating". As I was reading it, things stirred in my heart as never before and I felt engulfed by the Holy Spirit...

This morning, I woke up refreshed and as I was travelling to work, I was captivated, literally by the beauty of my surroundings... wishing my camera was within reach to snap those memorable moments...

moment where... u saw the ground all covered by the yellow flowers that fell from the trees.. creating color and contrast on the ground....allowing beauty to fill your heart

moment where .... u look up the sky and different shades of blue filled it..... filling your heart and mind with peace...

moment where... u look up to the the trees against the blue sky... wonderful contrast filling your heart

moment where... u focus on the trees ... and the breeze that's moving them moves your heart as well...

Thank U Father for such a wonderful start of the day. Thank U for filling my heart once again with peace and joy... Thank U for reminding me that U're everywhere around me... Thank U... for being U....

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trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation