Passion for singing
I have a passion for singing. I love to sing.. even when I was a little kid I love to sing. I remember when I was in primary school, a group of us would actually cut out the song lyrics from magazine (Galaxie mag is quite the in thing for us then) and paste it into our little "songbook". We'll then always find a spot during recess or break and start reviewing our collection and start singing...quite a number of my friends can really sing, come to think of it. I know one who started jamming sessions with her other friends... she's really into music and creative arts even till today.
My favourite time in church is during the worship session. I love to sing in crowds back then because it doesn't really matter if you go out of tune or whatever, you can just sing and sing and no one cares.
But as I got older, I realise that I really really love to sing. And not just singing any other song that's out that, but rather singing as a manner of worshipping the Almighty one. When I was first recruited to join the youth worship team, I remember how stringent it was. We were questioned as to why we want to be on stage to sing, how serious we are and whether we know what we're committing ourselves to... I remember the first time I was asked to sing solo on stage, to start a song... was so nervous that my voice will fail on me, kept praying that things would be okay... haha... I never had any formal singing lesson... even till now I'm still learning to sing in a proper manner.
My love for singing was further intensified when I was in Australia. Back in Gippy (think that's why I love Gippy heaps as well), a group of us would just get together out of the blue.... one guitar, milo can being the drum, harmonica and we would just start a jamming session there and then... these people (all over Asia) just love worshipping God! It's so exciting hanging out with them because you never know what would happen. Even back then, Mel and I would go to the Rec hall on any ordinary days and she would start playing the piano there and I would start singing there and then. Sometimes we're joined by more and more people along the way. My favourite time would be at the hexagon. I remember the baby grand piano in that place and Chris playing it... sometimes he'll sing too... I remember fondly of that final practice that we had before the little concert we did. We were just praying and seeking God when one song after another started rolling from our mouth. It's really amazing... it hits me with the fact that all of us are from different countries and different places, yet in one unity, we went on our knees and started praising Him there and then.. still amazes me till now... I remember that night where we had our little concert, where we just sang and worship God in front of a number of students... many whom are not christians.
I remember too of the last Shine fellowship gathering, where people continue to sing even though Chris stopped strumming the guitar. Singing for God, hearts in tune to God and in God we unite. Later Chris told me he purposely stopped playing the guitar because he wants to see God's movement in the group...
It was at Gippy too that I've met friends who continue to encourage me and help me grow in my confidence to sing for God. Chris made me realise the songs that I'm singing are not just songs. Time and again he reminded me to look at the lyrics of the songs, and many a times I'm touched by them and fell in love with those songs that he shared with me, because they truly are my heartfelt prayers to God. I'm truly thankful for these friends and these season of friendship that God brought into my life....
Even till now I love to sing for Him. I'm passionate in seeing people worshipping God... I love the gathering of christians, because you can just see them worshipping God there and then. No matter where you're from or what you are doing, you just stop everything and care not about anything but to worship Him at that moment...
Sometimes when I see people who just close themselves up during worship sessions and I would feel like shaking them and say, hey, don't you love worshipping God? Why don't you sing along? Yet, who am I to judge them or question them? I can only pray that God will move in the midst of His people and stir their hearts...
Being human being, I guess pride does get into our way sometimes. I'm fearful of that pride that I know might creep up to me. I want to sing for Him, and I do that in church even right now... but because of my fear, I continue to pray that I will be reminded of my purpose on stage, that is to sing for Him and to, as part of the worship team, lead the church to worship Him. I'm still not that good in singing. There's heaps of improvement to be made. But right now I'm thankful for this gift He has given me and I will continue to use it to serve Him.
I love to sing. I might not be entirely good in it, definitely not a professional, but I'm still burning with desire and passion to sing for Him. And I want to see people passionate in worshipping Him. I'm thankful for this gift, and I will definitely continue to be passionate about it.
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I have heard many people who have passion for singing. And I am pretty sure that they want a formal training for that.
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