Monday, May 07, 2007


Disappeared again! haha, haven't been updating the blog again since the workaholic notations. Let's see what's been happening in my life for the past weeks.

1. Did a presentation in front of the client last month. My very first one and I was sooooo tension! So scared of saying the wrong thing. When it was over and done with, I was glad that I've managed to say what is needed to be said and all. Yet, I do know that there are heaps of things that I need to improve on. Did not actually do a very good job in it. Oh well, it's a first. Will get a hang of it later I guess.

2. Was worship leading alongside Pris when I realised I got no more voice! I'm supposed to speak during offering n prayer, and I ended looking at Pris and mouthing, "NO VOICE" to her. Haha, my attempt at prayer ended up sounding so hoarse that I wonder if people can hear me. Oh well, it's a prayer for Him and not for others. Not to self, SLEEP EARLIER n DRINK MORE WATER.

3. Had a crazy last Monday. Flew to Singapore in the morning and flew back in the afternoon. It felt really surreal... but it was crazy when I was there. Met Lucy (the office's cleaning lady) who commented... u come here to study arh? Apparently I look like a student with my backpack and casual. Sigh.... hello! I'm not that young ok!

4. Went to Malacca (more accounts later on) and aside from all the sweats (literal) I had a great time there

5. Spent the rest of the week in a daze, can't remember exactly what I did for the rest of the weekdays after the holiday break.

6. Went to a friend's wedding. The church is beautiful! There were so many stained glass surrounding the church that really makes me think of the passages in the bible. The one that struck me was the picture of sheeps and a staff, reminding me of Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want...

7. Had a glass of wine, went dizzy after that. Reason: I gulped it down too fast! Haha, not really a fan of wine, was just helping... overly enthusiastic I guess. I was okay though, just a bit dizzy if I make sudden movement.

8. Went to a brethren church on Sunday. An eye opener... never been to one, so it's something different. Fell in love with one of the hymns, can't remember how it goes or it's title, but I remembered it to be number 713. Should get it from my friend...

9. Remembered what was shared during the service. Talking about "When bad things happened". I remembered the person sharing mentioned that people who ask, "Why did God let this happened". It reminds me of the incident in Virginia Tech and in Columbine High School. Tragic incidents.. yet people blame God and all. What Geri shared in her blog is quite true. We asked God where He was when bad things happened. Yet, we rejected Him when things are going well, we pushed Him away, we turn the other way from Him. Yet, when things happened, we ask where He was. He is always there, it was just us who turned away.

Will share more another day I guess. Having a headache right now, guessed it's triggered by my "wonderful" job. kekeke.... not complaining, am still thankful that I have a job here.

1 comment:

HL said...

#713 "I Was Made To Praise You" by Chris Christensen

trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation