It's raining outside now, wondering whether I should head home... feelings are a tricky thing, for with the downcast weather outside, my heart also feels downcast. Why so? It's a question that I wish I can answer myself. Suddenly I'm flooded with thoughts that makes me think deeper... what are they? I guess it's something that I wish only to keep to myself.
Life can be really funny I guess. In all manners, I never realise that things can happen the way they happened. Was it coincidence? But I'm reminded that there is a season and a reason for things that's happening and I guess... maybe it is not so much of a coincidence there. What we feel are coincidences are probably what God has planned for us, pre-destined maybe? Nah, something that I would not want to speculate on I guess.
Still thinking and pondering... still living in a world where things are going crazy around me and where people wonder what the heck are they doing what they are doing...
Lord Jesus Christ, may Your hands continue to be upon my life.. may You continue to lead me and guide me, showing me what You have in store for me. I'm learning to be patient and wait on You... and really, it ain't easy... but then again, life has never been easy... but with hope I believe I go through this...
thank for for always
sighs... am wondering a bit bout life too..
it's kinda nice how u ended most of your reflections with God. almost as if ur writing a psalm.
haha, nah.. can't write psalm... but I guess as I ponder about things, about my frustrations or even about the happy times, I find that God is so obvious and real in every situation that I just can't not acknowledge Him in my life.
I guess many of us does that, just that we don't write it on the blog. I have a habit of weaving my thoughts to include Him, can't help myself.
Thanks for reading, appreciate it.
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