Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Last Monday, 6th Nov 06

Okay, I havent been bloggin for a while. Those who saw me last week would be able to see how stressed out I was at work! Rest assured, I am fine now and things are going on a slow pace (until the next wave of work pile up on me again). Okay, I think I need to justify why I was stressed given that this is a new job and all. Basically, I am required to present my project to our sales general manager and it was quite intense scrutiny as they need to ensure that the event would work and thus, I must be super confident during the presentation (which I’m afraid offffffff) and be able to handle their shots (questions by definition). I was stressed as I was not fully prepared (I feel that I am not) and it’s been quite a while since I need to do such presentation. Sigh, but God is great. As I prayed for peace, it was granted to me and I was quite myself during the presentation. Truly, I thank God for being with me at all times, even though sometimes my little mind cannot comprehend Him.

This week is a little slower after Monday. I’ve done up most of the things that I need to do and I’m actually quite free, come to think of it. I can’t wait for Friday to come, so that I can hang out at my friend’s place for board games and such. But first, there’s this month end session at a bar nearby organised by my office. Since I am new, I gotta give face, so I would definitely be late to my friend’s place. Sigh, it’s gona be crazy, for the fact that the place is at the jammest area eva! Oh well, we are to take things in stride aren’t we JRight now I’m feeling bored and sleepy, counting the time to go home, in 17 minutes! Yay!!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Hey, should have our prayer meeting more often! Miss ya lady~

trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation