Thoughts at the start of the YEAR
I can't believe it! The year passed me by so fast... It's now a brand new year at a brand new place with brand new challenges to face. Am I excited? I'm not sure. I do wonder if I am.
Certain people asked me about my resolution for the year. My response? I don't do resolution. Why? Because I know I won't follow it through. I am not the kind of person who is very resolute in what she does. I do as things comes my way, that's me and it's very hard for me to change it, although I know I should. But then again, oh well :)
This year will definitely be a challenging year for me, for the fact that I am in an entirely new field in which I need to tackle. Do I take up the challenge? I am trying to, though things can certainly be overwhelming right now. Do I concede? I am trying not to, because though things are different, it doesn't mean that I can't do it right?
One thing is that in this job, I do get to travel, be it within Malaysia or even overseas. There's still alot of things that I am quite blur being in this company, but I am taking things in stride, being myself and taking up things and challenges that I can. But being in a small company allows me to learn more I guess, we shall see :)
There are times when I do feel so tired from everything that I don't feel like updating my blog. I shall try to update as often as I could. But sometimes it does feel like there isn't anyone who checks my blog out :( A bit disappointing. Sometimes I think I should actually stop blogging... just a thought.
This year is deemed as a challenge year for me. Why do I say that? It's because I feel that both my work life, church life and personal life is being challenged. Work as in, new job, new situation and new things. As for church, I may be taking up new role, as a teacher to the teens!! Oh wow, am not entirely sure if I can take up the challenge but I shall try. This really test you to the maximum eh.. such a big responsibility. Also, I'll be part of the core committee for the youth and teens too, in planning and setting up activities for them. Another one is worship leading. I am not sure if I am capable of all these things, but I am willing to try.
Personal life, there's a lot of things happening right now that I am not sure if it is going the direction that I want it to be. Really do have to sit down and seek God in terms of direction. But it's a bit hard given that I can't seem to even find a quiet place to place my focus on. Sigh..
Frankly speaking, I am worried that I am not able to juggle work with church life, and that is my biggest concern. It's not about just serving, but I see it as placing God first in my life. My priority has always been God and hence, I don't want it to change just because I am in a new job. Such a dilemma sometimes, but it really do test your faith in that sense, to be able to focus and see what your ultimate decision is. I do hope that this job serve to draw me closer to God rather than pulling me away.
I have certain plans in which I want to execute and today proved to be a good day when I shared this thought with my friend. She gave me such sound advice that it really got me excited over it! hahah.. can't wait to really sit down and do up what is required.
This Saturday would be a working day for me, sigh..... so sad huh!!! But what to do, honey moon days at new job has ended. I believe my workload will increase dramatically once I come back from Singapore's training. I can only pray.....
No worries, there are people reading your blog. Just blog on!
haha, thanks for the encouragement mate!
Don't you dare kill the blog...cos I read here..ahahha...
hhaa, okok.. i wun kill the blog then!
keep... blogging :]
very true, keep bloggin' cos obviously you have quite an audience
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