Thursday, February 08, 2007

Field WORK!

Has work been crazy? Actually these couple of days things are quite at ease for me. I'm rather thankful that God has blessed me heaps with this job. Am I enjoying myself now? I have to say yes. Though things are not as easy as it seems, with heaps of people to handle, I am thankful that I am still around and still surviving!

There's some complication at work today. We were supposed to have rented to shop lots at two separate malls for our field work. But then, I found out that the shop lots at one of the malls which I'm quite familiar with is next to some eateries!! Due to the nature of the project, we cannot be anywhere near eateries. Sigh, my GM and I were in distress due to that. And we felt so bad for disappointing the client. This client is really nice and all and we really want to be able to deliver it well. But thanks to that guy who didn't check properly, things gotten screwed up and now client need to suffer a bit.

Actually, another thing is that one of the mall is quite near my place and I thought it'll be cool coz I'll get to go there later! No need to go to the office and all.. but sigh, due to the screw up I would need to go much much farther! Faint, but thank God I can just park at my GM's in law's place and she'll fetch me there...phew... coz I oso duno how to go to that place! Super far.

Tmw we won't be in office at all, coz we would be at the mall to help out and supervise. At least we still won't need to be there so early. Just need to get there by 11am and then we probably can leave about 3 or 4pm. But tmw got practice at church, so need to go all the way to town as well. But praise God, at the very least I can still serve Him :)

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trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation