Saturday, February 03, 2007

Again, working weekend

Today is Saturday and now it's nearing 5pm in the afternoon. What am I doing right now you may ask... I'm in Starbucks with LA and M working! All three of us are out on a working date... haha, it was quite a funny turn of event.

How it started? Well, knowing that I need to rush off my presentation work as well as my report, I actually asked M whether she would be interested to join me at Starbucks to work. Since she also say that she gotta do work, so here we are working. When M got here, LA called. Apparently they were online earlier and M told LA that we will be at Starbucks working. So tada!! LA called saying she's on the way here to join us.

It is actually quite nice to be out working with friends. Though we are all doing different stuff, but yet we are all working at the same time. Whenever we break, we would chit chat about other stuff and it's fun!

M figured we could do this often and I agree with her too :)

How's the work in progress... hmm... well, been doing the mapping of work that my colleague asked me to do and I've done two of it. Probably there's another 2 more to go and I can start on the presentation slides! Yay! To be honest, I guess I've been procrastinating heaps and been putting off this work for a while, though I still work on it on almost daily basis but I am still not focusing heaps on it... I can't wait to get over this work so that next week would be an easier week for me. Shall see how things go. But for sure I will do this up and send to my colleague for feedback latest tomorrow afternoon.

One thing I must do is thank God for the time extension. There's supposed to be a presentation yesterday on the slides but it's now postponed. I love the postponement because now I can do a better job! My other friend, A, was also rushing work and we we're praying for each other and she prayed for the time extension. So I am thankful that God answered this prayer. So likewise I ought not to waste away God's blessing right! Hehe... ok now.. gotta get back to work!

Ya all, have a blessed weekend ya! Cheers!

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trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation