Thursday, February 01, 2007

Life of a Working Sue

I am up at 3 something in the morning today to do work. And for the fact that tomorrow is a holiday, how dodgy can that be? So sad huh??? My mom was like, why this job of yours is so “san fu” (hard in English). Probably they felt that it’s hard labour. It didn’t help that the day before I was on the bus for since morning to and fro for 12 hours just to conduct work that took probably two hours. As for me, it was rather sad as I only reached town at like 2 something in the morning and I have to bother my parents, who are old, to come and fetch me. If I could, I would not have asked them. But the fact that it’s a working day the following day, I can’t go around asking my friends to come fetch me. By the time I slept, it was already 3 something in the morning and I had to wake up at 8 plus for work as I have to attend a meeting at 10am.

I thought working for M and ME was tough. Man, this job is even tougher. I think I’ve never cracked my brain so much just trying to do my work. It’s been a while since uni life and things ain’t just the same working here as compared to my other jobs. Do I feel tired working here? Well, I’ll be honest and say yes. But it is a different kind of tiredness, it is a good kind of tiredness. One that you felt you’ve laboured and bear much fruit.

Alright now, though I would love to write more, it’s already 4am and I’ve yet to start on my work. So I think I’ll just stop here for the moment and concentrate on my work again. Till later...


Abigail said...

Same here. I didn't sleep for 24 hours. Praying hard for God's strength to sustain us! Amen

Anonymous said...

it's your labour of love therefore it's alright.

trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation