What is Life
What is life? I am pondering on this at the moment. Why? You may ask me that. Probably it's because I've just watched a very sad show and the ending was that someone died.. Regret was one of the biggest fear of that person, and it makes me realise that it may be one of the biggest fear for me too. I fear regretting things that I should have done but never gotten around it, I fear regretting not loving those whom I cherish when I have the chance, and I fear regretting that I did not do what God wanted me to do in this life of mine. Maybe some would think that when I mention the last one, it's because I fear Him. I mean, I fear Him still, but in a manner of awe and respect, not fear that contains the negative feelings.
Sometimes when I hear of incidents that people want to kill themselves just because of certain minor things, I get very frustrated. Why can't they see that life is so precious? Don't they ever think of those that are handicapped and yet live their life worthwhile? Don't they ever think of their family? Don't they ever think of Jesus, who lived a pure and holy life and yet chose to give us life instead? Why isit just because of a failure, you would want to choose death? Why not instead, choose to stand up once again and be strong? If you are not strong enough, then ask God to give you the strength that you need to live this life. Why ask Him? Because it is when we are at our weakest point that God becomes our strength.
Dear Father, I pray for people around me Lord, that they may be able to view life as precious and not take things for granted. Forgive me even Lord, for I too sometimes take things for granted. Thank you for reminding me of how precious life is and how it is so important to continue to live this life to the fullest and to love to the fullest as well, because You are love. Thank You for giving me life and giving me hope. Thank You for Jesus Christ, who made the choice to let me live as well. Thank You most of all, for loving me for who I am.
Dear friends who read this, know that I love you even though I never profess it. Know that it doesn't matter if I just got to know you or we've been friends for years. All you need to know is you are precious to me as we are precious to Jesus and I will always love you all for who you all are. Forgive me if I've hurt you before, and know that I forgive you for hurting me and I will always forgive you no matter what. Last but not least, thank you for being my friend.
May have deviated from the main topic, but I guess I realise that life is about relationship, be it with God, family or friends... and relationship is what I will continue to build in my life...
Thank you Father, for the chance....
life is beautiful and never let life to pass you by and stop pondering over any disappointment, big or small
sometimes pondering makes u realise the preciousness of life and thus, makes u appreciate it even more :)
When you'd already know the preciousness of life and steadfast in your belief then you will need not ponder anymore.
...and then we ponder how precious life is by preciously pondering the preciousness of life without pondering:-)
Hi Sue, how are you? Sorry, I just couldn't resist saying that hehe
can u not put urself to be anonymous!! haha... well now.. it is good to slow down and think about the ongoing of our lives.. sometimes in the ever constant busyness u need to take that break to think .. dont u think ;)
hi sue.. :)
life is indeed precious..after all God gave his only son to us so tat we may live..unfortunately, sometimes ppl get so caught and weave up in their own problems, there appears to be no more hope and light for them at the end of the tunnel...
this teaches us to always be nice to those around us..instead of contributing to their problems, we should always try be their frens and lend them our time and efforts to hang onto :)
love u sue...if u ever, ever have any problems, know tat i m always, always here for u ..HUGGGSSS~!!!!
Matt :
Erm...that earlier "anonymous" wasn't me lar. If I leave a comment, I'd always put my name there even if it's labeled anonymous.
And yes, I enjoy taking a break to think sometimes
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