Sunday, March 11, 2007

Little Havana

It's 1.49am right now and I have a different reason altogether that I'm still awake. I just came back from a place called Little Havana. If you like salsa, latin dance, or even dance yourself, this is one place that you should visit. I felt like "katak di bawah tempurung" when I got there. Not knowing what to expect, a few of my friends and I ventured to this place unknown.

When I got there, it was really an eye opener! Why so? Because there's so many people who dances salsa there. And they are realllllyyyyyyy GOOD! I'm quite amazed with all the turns that the girls are doing and the leading of some of the guys there... Woah, never did I expect things to be so good there. One thing for sure, I love the music coz it really makes you want to dance. Sad to say, none of us dare to venture onto the dance floor as, as you would know, salsa dance is totally different from the clubbing scene. We just stood at the side watching people do all their turns and shakings. But I had fun watching as well....does makes me wana learn salsa... haha...

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Haha. Oh yea... salsa is not a type of latin dance :P

trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation