Missing Gippy
It's probably nostalgic, but I'm missing Gippy again. I miss those midnight walks, I miss the star-filled sky, I miss the darkness that engulfs, I miss the peacefulness that surrounds me...
I guess I miss all the reminders of God that I saw back in Gippy. It's not that He's not around me right now, but rather, when I was in Gippy, I was able to truly just slow down and praise Him no matter where I am. Here, sometimes I find it hard.. there's just too many sounds around me that seems so distracting...
Ignore me, I'm just in those odd moods at the moment I guess...
sue...we got to sometimes learn to filter out the noises around us :) perhaps God wants you to step out of your comfort zone..in a place of serenity, it is usually easy to seek and draw near to God..but at a fast-moving, noise-filled kind of environment, it's more tough..but remember this, and that this is where your real faith is put to test!! hang in there sister.. I'm always here to lend you a shoulder n a listening ear..luv ya!!!! HugGgsss!!
Sue sue, i'm having the same hallucinations as you, i want to relive the Gippsland life with u guys!!! miss all my REAL friends and good mates...sigh! in singapore and msia is just not the same...
Pretty much well said. I miss gippy land too.
I guess we all miss Gippy and all the memories we've made. Then again, I figured things would be different if we're to go back there, coz our memories consists of all of us... the friendship....
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