Monday, April 16, 2007

Hair length

My mom and a friend has been complaining that my hair's getting shorter and shorter. One thing about me, the minute I feel like my hair's making me feel uncomfortable, I'll go and cut it. But back in Australia, I never bothered cutting it... for the strangest reason (minusing the fact that it's extremely expensive cutting your hair there).... Was looking at some pictures of myself with long hair...

Hm... my hair is LONG! gosh... how did i ever let it grow so long? Wonder if I can do it now....

p/s: feeling crappy, so blogging crappy stuff


Abigail said...

I love your hair :) No matter how you style it!

Sue said...

haha, thanks! but i think i ought to try to keep it long again (it's hard!). i seriously have no idea how i let it grow so long last time.. haha

btw, i don't really style my hair. it's as it is :)

Anonymous said...

love your long hair too :)

trying to live a simple life amidst the complexity of it trying to succeed in differentiation rather than adaptation