Times of Refreshing and Revival
Praise God for He is worthy of all praise! Only He and He alone are one true God, undeniable, indescribable, irreplaceable, almighty, great, wonderful, generous, loving, caring, peace maker and many many more! Praise God for He is worthy to be praised!
Having attended the revival meetings by Rev Timothy Yeung, I feel greatly blessed and made to understand better on how the Holy Spirit works and what worship really is.
I agree with what he say, worship is borne out of the fact that you hunger God. We are all created to worship, that's why no matter who and where, people do worship something or some gods in their lives. Maybe for atheist, who said they don't believe in anything but themselves, but allow me to be bold in my own opinion, that they do worship themselves by saying that... but this is purely my opinion and no one self. God created us to worship Him, but because of the fall of Adam and Eve, we have become separated from Him. But our nature of worshipping is still in existence.
One thing shared that strucks me strongly is that we are worshippers of God must hunger for more of Him! We are like parched lands, so dry that we're so cracked inside. In parched lands, nothing can grow, nothing at all. Only well-watered lands has plantations. We are like parched lands, and thus, there isn't anything growing in us. But if we hunger for more of Him, our loving Father will water us with more and more of the Holy Spirit, allowing us to drink more and more and more of Him to the extend that we no longer because a parched land but instead, a land that is well-watered and things will GROW!
One strong reminder that strucks me is this: those of us who are in praise and worship can always demand the best, be the best drummer, be the best guitarist, be the best worship leader and etc, but beware that it becomes a habit. He's not saying that we ought not to do our best for GOd, but we are to beware of the possibility that in our quest of pursuing to do our best, we forgot the main reason for our worship. God doesn't demand us to be perfect, but in all that we have, we are to do our best. Do the best with what you have. If you have the best equipment and you are playing the best music, but if you are not up there to worship God, then there isn't any difference between us and those concerts that's out there. Always remember what we are up there for. We are up there to lead the people into worshipping God. We are priests that leads people to draw closer to God. How? By proclaiming God's greatness. There isn't any ways or methods, but rather, acknowledge who God is and that in itself, will bring about your church to draw closer to God.
Christians out there, always remind yourself not to be a benchwarmer. But everytime you go to church, go with a heart of wanting more of God. DOn't just sit there, but go with a strong desire for more of God and to see God move. When christians get together, don't just chit chat and all, but use that as an opportunity to fellowship and to exalt God together.
GOd is great! Always always great.
Sometimes we never thought of this, but God took the FIRST STEP to draw closer to us. It is not us. He took the first step by sending His one and only son to the earth to be sacrificed on our behalf. Those who are parents, can you imagine sending your son to the gallows? I may not be able imagine the suffering that parents goes through, but the thought of it is incomprehensible to the point that it's unphantomable. But God did just that. He sent his son to die for us.... and what does he want from us? Only that we would want Him in our lives again.
Father Lord, I thank You for the time of refreshing and the chance to witness your great powers moving mightly amongst Your people. Lord, I believe revival is heating up in this nation, and Lord, I pray that I would have the chance to participate in it. May Your anointing continue to fall in this nation and may Your fire continue to light up more and more of Your people to come and draw closer to You. Thank You for Your amazing presence, thank You for Your amazing revelation and thank You for You!
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